ISM2024 – ISM General Assembly and Nomination of New ISM Chairperson

Dear ISM members and friends,

The general assembly which will take place at the meeting on Tuesday (May 28) will elect a new chairperson which will replace the current chairperson after next ISM annual meeting in 2025.
The ISM board is proposing Assoc. Prof. Tamar Segal-Peretz, From the Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. (

Tamar has contributed greatly to the ISM, as a board member for the last 6 years – undertaking many additional roles such as chairing scientific committees and organizing workshops.The board members voted unanimously to put forward Tamar’s nomination to our members.


Please see a brief bio-sketch of Tamar:

Tamar Segal-Peretz is an Associate Professor at the Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering at the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology. She received her PhD from the Interdisciplinary Program of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the Technion, followed by a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Argonne National Laboratory and the Pritzker School for Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago. At the Technion, Tamar, together with Prof. Ishi Talmon, heads the Technion Center of Electron Microscopy of Soft Matter. Her research is focused on understanding and developing polymer and hybrid functional nanostructures, with strong emphasis on 2D and 3D electron microscopy characterization. She has been a member of the ISM board since 2018.


Anyone else who wants to propose himself to take on the role of ISM chairpesson is welcome to contact Yaron Kauffmann (ISM, chair) by mail ( before Monday (May 27) evening.


You are all welcomed to join us at the general assembly (Tuesday May 28th 12:30, lecture room NIBN building #41) to get updated on the status and activity of the ISM and elect the next chairperson.

With best wishes,

Yaron Kauffmann (Chair, ISM)
George Levi (Secretary, ISM)
Alexander Upcher (Treasurer, ISM)

ISM2024 Meeting and Pre-Meeting Workshop , May 27-28 – Final details

Dear ISM members and friends,

Please note the following details about the ISM2024 meeting (Tuesday ,May 28th) and ISM2024 pre-meeting workshop (Monday, May 27th) which will be held next week.

The annual meeting and the pre-meeting workshop will take place on the campus of Ben-Gurion University:
  • The pre-meeting workshop (May 27th) will take place at the Life Sciences Teaching Laboratories Building (Building #38).
  • The annual meeting (May 28th) will take place at two locations (5-10 minutes walk):
    • Morning sessions (openning session, plenaries and soundbite) – The Joya Claire Sonnenfeldt Auditorium (Building 73)
    • Lunch sessions (posters session, general assembly, lunch workshops and lunch) – NIBN (Building 41)
    • Afternoon parallel sessions: LS sessions at NIBN (Building 41) / MS sessions at Chemistry Building (Building 43)

For detailed map and instruction see here.

May 28th – ISM2024 Meeting:

  • REGISTRATION – The deadline for regular registration for ISM2024 is Sunday May 26th. Please note that on-site registration is more expensive.
  • FINAL PROGRAM – see –
  • The full meeting booklet which includes the program, abstracts and more, will be published this year only in a digital form. A PDF version can be downloaded here.
  • POSTERS SESSION & SOUNDBITE SESSION – more than 70 posters will be presented and two prizes will be awarded (one for each of the categories).
    For the list of posters see here.
  • MICROGRAPHS COMPETITION – a prize will be awarded to the best micrograph. Please don’t forget to vote. For the list of micrographs see here.
  • VENDORS EXHIBITION & VENDOR’S WORKSHOP – you are all welcome to visit the booths of the 13 companies that will present at the exhibition space and join the workshops at lunch time. For the list of exhibitors and sponsors see here.
  • VENUE – Directions for getting to the conference are available here.

May 27th – ISM2024 Pre-Meeting Workshop (“Cryo-Electron Tomography for Life Sciences and Soft Matter”):

  • FINAL PROGRAM –  see – or the attached PDF.
  • REGISTRATION – Due to the large demand and limited space for the hands-on tutorials the registration is closed. Due to over-registration for the tomography track, some applicants will be rejected by e-mail message personally addressed to them. If room allows, the option to attend the SPA track will be offered instead

  • LOCATION –  Directions for getting to the workshop are available here.

Looking forward to meeting you all on Monday and Tuesday in Be’er Sheva,

With best wishes,

Yaron Kauffmann (Chair, ISM)
George Levi (Secretary, ISM)
Alexander Upcher (Treasurer, ISM)

ISM2024 – Updates and Reminder

Dear ISM members and friends,

Please note the following details about the ISM2024 meeting (May 28th) and pre-meeting workshop (May 27th) which will be held in less than two weeks.

May 28th – ISM2024 Meeting:

  • REGISTRATION – The deadline for regular registration for ISM2024 is Sunday May 26th. Please note that on-site registration is more expensive.
  • FINAL PROGRAM – see –
  • POSTERS SESSION & SOUNDBITE SESSION – 80 posters will be presented and two prizes will be awarded: one for the best poster in MS and one for the best poster in LS. For the list of posters see here.

    All poster presenters should receive an email in the coming days with the details about the Soundbite session. Please make sure that your poster is listed properly on the website.


  • MICROGRAPHS COMPETITION –  For the list of micrographs see here.
    A prize will be awarded to the best micrograph. Please don’t forget to vote at the meeting. 
  • VENDORS EXHIBITION & VENDOR’S WORKSHOP – you are all welcome to visit the booths of the 13 companies that will present at the exhibition space. For the list of exhibitors and sponsors see here.
    During the lunch session there will be short Vendor’s Workshops – more details will be available soon.

May 27th – ISM2024 Pre-Meeting Workshop:

Looking forward to meeting you all soon in Be’er Sheva,

With best wishes,

Yaron Kauffmann (Chair, ISM)
George Levi (Secretary, ISM)
Alexander Upcher (Treasurer, ISM)

ISM2024 – Abstract submission for oral presentations deadline extended

Dear ISM members and friends,

We are extending the deadline for abstracts submission for oral presentations to March 10.

We are pleased to announce that we will host at the upcoming meeting two distinguished plenary speakers:

  • Prof. Reshef Tenne, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
  • Prof. Kinneret Keren, Technion – Israel Institute of Science, Haifa Israel.

Looking forward to your participation and contribution to the ISM2024 meeting in Be’er Sheva,

With best wishes,

Yaron Kauffmann (Chair, ISM)
George Levi (Secretary, ISM)
Alexander Upcher (Treasurer, ISM)

ISM2024 – Important Deadline Reminder

Dear ISM members and friends,

Please find attached the ISM2024 Margulis and Mutsafi Memorial Prizes flyer.

We would like to draw your attention to the approaching deadline for submission of the application forms – MARCH 3, 2024.

For more details about the prizes :

With best wishes,

Yaron Kauffmann (Chair, ISM)
George Levi (Secretary, ISM)
Alexander Upcher (Treasurer, ISM)

  ISM2024 Margulis and Mutsafi Memorial Prizes flyer

ISM2024 – Registration and Abstract submission is NOW OPEN

Dear ISM members and friends,

We are all experiencing a challenging time but trying to maintain our academic activity as normal as possible. Therefore, we decided to go ahead with this year’s annual meeting despite the unusual circumstances and we hope the meeting will happen as planned.

On behalf of the ISM Organising Committee we cordially invite you to participate in ISM2024 – The 57th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday May 28th, 2024 at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva.

The annual meeting will be preceded by a tutorial workshop on Monday May 27th, 2024. More details will be announced soon.

The ISM2024 website is open for registration and abstract submission

We will host 2 distinguished plenary speakers and the following invited speakers will present their work in the afternoon sessions:

  • Prof. Ariel Ismach, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel
  • Prof. Louisa Meshi, Ben-Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, Israel
  • Prof. Yehonadav Bekenstein, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
  • Dr. Vojtech Kundrat, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • Dr. Raya Sorkin, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel
  • Prof. Smadar Ben-Tabou de-Leon, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
  • Prof. Iris Grossman-Haham, Ben-Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, Israel
  • Prof. Leeya Engel, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

More speakers will be chosen from submitted abstracts.

As every year, ISM is offering two prizes for outstanding students in the field of microscopy:
The Lev Margulis Prize – for students working in the field of Materials Science
The Yael Mutsafi Prize – for students working in the field of Life Sciences

Please check the website for details on the Lev Margulis and Yael Mustafi memorial prizes.

Meeting Deadlines:

  • February 1 : Website is open for Early registration & Abstracts submission
  • March 3 : Deadline for Margulis Prize (MS) and Mutsafi Prize (LS) application
  • March 3 : Deadline for abstract submission for oral presentation
  • March 31 : Deadline for abstract submission for poster presentations
  • March 31 : End of Early registration (reduced registration fees)
  • March 31 : Deadline for submission of images for the Micrograph Competition
  • May 26 : End of Regular registration.

Since the situation in Israel may change at any given moment, registration cancellation will be possible until one week before the event.

On behalf of the ISM board we wish you and your families a safe and calm period !!!
Looking forward to meeting you in Be’er Sheva, 

Yours sincerely,

Yaron Kauffmann (Chair, ISM)
George Levi (Secretary, ISM)
Alexander Upcher (Treasurer, ISM)

ISM2024 – save the dates ! May 27-28, 2024

Dear ISM members and friends,

On behalf of the ISM board, we are happy to announce that the 57th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy will be held on Tuesday May 28th, 2024 at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva.

The meeting, under the auspices of the Ben-Gurion University, will include plenary lectures, parallel sessions for Life Sciences and Materials Science, poster presentations, and an exhibition of microscopy vendors.

Our annual meeting will be preceded by a tutorial workshop on Monday May 27th, 2024 – more details will be announced soon.


We request new ISM participants to send us an email in order to be included in the ISM mailing list for further updates or join the ISM WhatsApp group via the following link –

We look forward to meeting you all in Beer Sheva !

With best wishes,

Yaron Kauffmann (Chair, ISM)
George Levi (Secretary, ISM)
Alexander Upcher (Treasurer, ISM)