Prof. Enrique Grünbaum


Prof. Enrique Grünbaum / 1926-2013

In Memoriam

 Prof. Reshef Tenne (Weizmann Institute of Science) :

“Prof. Enrique Grünbaum who passed away a few days ago was for me (and for many others here) an elder mentor, a colleague and above all a friend with whom we could always discuss a relevent scientific subject. I met Enrique first in the Israel Vaccum Society meetings during the early 80’s when he served as a president of the society . Enrique, the founder of the outstanding Physical Electronics Department in Tel-Aviv Univeristy and an electron microscopist of great international stature was always the “living spirit” of these meetings, without him they would not have taken place. In those days, the society was a small and not a very significant body in the Israeli academia. His contiguous zeal and his scientific knowledge guided us to make this body gradually the equivalent of the Materials Society of Israel Enrique was always there to help and never missed his Ex-Officio position as member of the organizing committee of the IVS meetings, long after his retirement in the 90’s. These qualities are representative of his public scientific work in general – he was active as well in the plasma society and Israel Society for Microscopy (ISM) and gave freely and generously of his time and efforts to promote scientific interchange and activity.”

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Prof. Guy Deutscher (Tel-Aviv University) :

“Enrique had many friends from many different countries and different periods of his life. He loved people and his friends loved him as a person – a mensch as many of them said – and respected him as a scientist of international standing. Enrique was an exception in the ultra-competitive world of modern science. He was completely un-selfish, always more concerned that others would be recognized for their work than he would be for his own. He would always take care that students, technicians, young and senior scientists get the distinctions they deserved, while never boasting of his own accomplishments.”

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