PDB list

The Israel Microscopy Database
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Total Records Found: 51, showing 10 per page
Instrument NameInstrument TypeInstrument PhotoSpecial DetectorsLab instituteContact personContact email
Ultra 55 SEM EsB, STEM, Cryo stage 5 Dr. Ifat Kaplan-Ashiri, Dr. Elena Kartvelisvily ifat.kaplan-ashiri@weizmann.ac.il, elena.kartvelishvily@weizmann.ac.il
JEOL 1400 1 STEM BF/DF, EDS, Gatan 2x2 CCD camera 3 Luba Burlaka tapuzinka AT gmail.com
LSM 710 3 GaAsP and spectral PMT 4 Dr. NItsan Dahan ndahan AT technion.ac.il
JSM-7400F SEM SE, BS, EDS, CL, InLens. 2 Einat Nativ Roth einatna AT bgu.ac.il
MERLIN HR- SEM 3 Dafna Ben Yosef dafna.ben-yosef AT mail.biu.ac.il
Zeiss inverted Cell Observer for live cell experiments 2 3 dafna ben yosef dafna.ben-yosef AT mail.biu.ac.il
Zeiss AxioImager M2 with apotome 2 3 Dafna ben yosef Dafna.ben-yosef AT mail.biu.ac.il
LSM780 3 GaAsP super sensitive detectors 3 Dafna Ben Yosef dafna.ben-yosef AT mail.biu.ac.il
LSM710 2 HUJI Yael Feinstein Rotkopf feinsteinrotkopf AT gmail.com
Axio Observer Z1 2 EMCCD 5 Reinat Nevo reinat.nevo AT weizmann.ac.il

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